It's been a long time, hasn't it?
With all my computer problems, it's really put a crimp in my writing. I don't even have a proper word processing program on the computer I'm using, which happens to be Terror's old one.
I blame Bill Gates for this, since Windows Media 10 killed XP, and XP itself is kind of sucky and buggy. Shame, though, because I was finally starting to get used to the operating system. *sigh* How am I supposed to go onlnie from my own computer if Bill Gates keeps killing it?
I mean, really, Bill, you need a new hobby.
I blame Bill Gates for this, since Windows Media 10 killed XP, and XP itself is kind of sucky and buggy. Shame, though, because I was finally starting to get used to the operating system. *sigh* How am I supposed to go onlnie from my own computer if Bill Gates keeps killing it?
I mean, really, Bill, you need a new hobby.