Liz's Looming Lunacy
An author trying to find her place in the world.
About Me
- Name: Liz
- Location: Bayport, New York, United States
Swain's world (The Cosmic Unicorn #1); A Day in the Life (Alternate Hilarities #3); The Lawnmower that Ate Manhattan (NIEKAS, I forget the issue); Spring Cleaning (Sound Waves); Shadow Play (The Parasitorium II: Parasitic Sands, 2007); Crow's Feat (Free Fall (February, 2007) Oh, and Obligatory Holly Lisle Affiliate Link for writing workshops and stuff.
I'm posting this link here, so that I can find it more easily again. yes, I know, that's what I have LinksAPlenty for. I'm still working on maintaining order. *grin*
Worlds of Imagination
Worlds of ImaginationI'll have to check this site out at more leisure, but it looks like it can be a good resource, and not only for the gamer.
Ellen Ashe, author at New Concepts Publishing - Great Books for Less
Ellen Ashe, author at New Concepts Publishing - Great Books for Less
This might be worth a read--once I have some money again. ;-)
This might be worth a read--once I have some money again. ;-)
Which Warrior angel Are You?, and Whose Side are You On
UndecidedClass: SeraphAlliance: UndeterminedIt's difficult to say where you would stand in the war between good and evil because you are at war with yourself. There is both light and darkness within you and you have not made up your mind about which side to follow. There are many roles that you might play, spy, mercenary, but it is always hard to tell whose side you are on.Your Angelic Name: Geminus
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