Liz's Looming Lunacy

An author trying to find her place in the world.

My Photo
Location: Bayport, New York, United States

Swain's world (The Cosmic Unicorn #1); A Day in the Life (Alternate Hilarities #3); The Lawnmower that Ate Manhattan (NIEKAS, I forget the issue); Spring Cleaning (Sound Waves); Shadow Play (The Parasitorium II: Parasitic Sands, 2007); Crow's Feat (Free Fall (February, 2007) Oh, and Obligatory Holly Lisle Affiliate Link for writing workshops and stuff.


Google Chrome

It is not my default browser. That honor still belongs to FireFox. I have, however, caved, and downloaded to try, Google Chrome.

There are several factors to that decision, not the least of which is support. Also, when FireFox really starts lagging and crashing on me, willy-nilly, that is my reason for deciding to try something new. And also, apparently, Google has insidiously intertwined itself with everything on the Internet, therefore forming a monopoly.

I fel like this is the end of an era. Rather that the entrepreneurial enterprises that began small, with a idea and burgeoning technological expertise on teh fringe, everything's become too damn mainstream.

Where will this leave the fringe?


Wikipedia entry on horse, for reference.

"What Do You Call A....."