Liz's Looming Lunacy

An author trying to find her place in the world.

My Photo
Location: Bayport, New York, United States

Swain's world (The Cosmic Unicorn #1); A Day in the Life (Alternate Hilarities #3); The Lawnmower that Ate Manhattan (NIEKAS, I forget the issue); Spring Cleaning (Sound Waves); Shadow Play (The Parasitorium II: Parasitic Sands, 2007); Crow's Feat (Free Fall (February, 2007) Oh, and Obligatory Holly Lisle Affiliate Link for writing workshops and stuff.


Causality and Affectation (carried over from my Yahoo group)

Dear Folks,

I do accept ideas for prompts as well. Just so you all know. ;-)

I admit to surprise that I'm online at all. Terror's computer is in the shop (we're still waiting to hear from Jason Bruno of Dynamic Computer Services in Mastic on the computer's status) because the fan was being a not-so-fan. For some strange reason I have managed to get the wireless network on my system running despite this little problem.

Anyway, to the prompt or prompts.

You see, I'm working on a book right now and it opens with the death of a character. This is all part of the plot, the "loaded gun". But to set everything up, you start with an intro scene, the set up to the event, then move on to the event itself, and the scenes after that are the ones where your protagonist deals with the event.

This can be written as a story or as a poem. William Shakespeare wrote much in ballad form, and you can tell a story in poetic form, some of the best poems work that way too.

The beginning, or "status quo" is the prologue, the calm before the storm, the event leading up to The Change. Chance is necessary in fiction because it sets the story in motion: but a few brush strokes to illustrate life before the change underscores the importance of that change. It's a technique that's not used in every story, but it can be used to good advantage, mostly in novellas and novels, but sometimes in shorter works (one example of the shorter work is Robert Sheckley's story "Pandora's Box -- Open With Care" from the September 2000 issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction).

Every writer seems to have some change in mind. What do you think might happen before the change, as if to highlight and underscore the effects of the change?


"The Word is Go"

           Two companies, Sona and Viacomm, are joining fores to come out with a new cell phone. It resembles a Star Trek communicator.
           Beam me up, Mr. Sulu. Mr. Chekhov, you have the comm.
           I wonder if they will ever do a Harry Porrwe edition that resembles an owl? *smile*


That's Your Horoscope for Today....


August 23 - September 22

     Books about dreams, meditation, and other forms of revelation might seem appealing.
     Research into possibilities for increasing your income might take up a lot of your time today, dear Virgo.
     You might want to look into the possibility of a new job, extra work, or investments of some kind, so expect to spend a lot of time surrounded by newspapers or magazines giving the latest information on the economy, and the possibilities it affords right now

Provided by

Gallery of the Absurd

This artist was featured on the cover of Newsday's Part Two. Her illustrations are quite funny, honest (and face it, which one of us had not thought these things, here and there, in our lvies?) and checking her site was an excuse for me to get on the computer this early in the day. =^~,0^=


Word meter



Elizabeth Anne Ensley
Liz's Looming Lunacy:

Seven Lucky Gods of Japan

From: Rowan Silverwing

just a bit more info on the above.

The Japanese goddess of love, eloquence, wisdom, the arts, music, knowledge, good fortune and water. She is the patroness of geishas, dancers, and musicians. Originally she was a sea goddess or water goddess, on whose image many local deities near lakes were based. Later she became a goddess of the rich and was added to the
Shichi Fukujin . The island of Enoshima rose up especially to receive her footsteps. Benten is portrayed as a beautiful woman, riding a dragon while playing on a stringed instrument. She has eight arms and in her hands she holds a sword, a jewel, a bow, an arrow, a wheel, and a key. Her remaining two hands are joined in prayer. It is often related that when a dragon devoured many children, she descended to earth to stop his evil work.

The Japanese god to whom many functions are attributed, but he is mostly known as a god of war, the distributor of wealth and protector of those who worship the 'Lotus of the righteous Law'. He was successfully invoked by Prince Shotoku in 587 during the campaign against the anti-Buddhist clans of Japan. He protects against demons and diseases, and a guardian of one of the four cardinal points (the North). Bishamon is one of the

Shichi Fukujin
He appears in iconography as a powerful monarch, in full armor, standing on demons and holding a spear in his hand, but sometimes wearing a wheel of fire like a halo.

The Japanese god of wealth and protector of the soil and patron of farmers. He is one of the

Shichi Fukujin
Called the Great Black One, he makes wishes of mortals come true. He is portrayed as a fat and prosperous man, standing or seated on two bags of rice and with a bag of jewels on his shoulder. On his chest he has a golden sun disk and in his hand he holds a magic mallet (with male and female symbols) which fulfils all wishes. His familiar is the rat, and he is a friend of children.
Ebisu is his son. Sometimes the image is of a goddess, called Yasha.

The Japanese god who represents the wealth of the sea, and patron of all that is related to fishing, especially fishermen. Also the god of labor. He is sometimes mentioned as the son of 

the Japanese god who represents the wealth of the earth. Ebisu was worshipped in the coastal region near Osaka (where his temple was located) and was portrayed with a fish and a fishing rod. He is one of the seven
Shichi Fukujin. Anything found on the beach may be Ebisu, even a ghost or its corpse.

The Japanese Shinto god of wisdom

Seven Lucky Gods of Japan

From: Rowan Silverwing

Just something I found on the net.....thought it might be interesting for & light Rowan

Seven Lucky Gods of Japan

The happy god of wealth is the patron of the farmers who disseminates happiness and good humour.

The god of contentment and happiness.

The god of longevity and carries a holy scroll containing all the wisdom of the world.

The only female deity among the seven. Represents art, literature, music and eloquence. Plays "Biwa", her favourite instrument.

The deity of fishermen, seamen, ships, and honest dealing.

The Chinese philosopher, who lives on the "mists of heaven and the dews of earth", is able to prophesy events and performs miracles to benefit mankind.

The god of war, is always clad in armour. The small pagoda he carries implies that he is also a religeous personality who is detemined to conquer the Evil.



Just did a bit of research for what I'm worknig on re: wakes. Good thing too: thew wake takes palce before, not after, the burial lol.


Requiem for 'Rictus'? Our Vanishing Dictionary Resources

Rictus is neither available as an option in any of my spell check softwares or in my dictionaries. It is, however, defined on Where are these words disappearing to?


Elizabeth Anne Ensley
Liz's Looming Lunacy: