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Thirty Reasons for Thirty Days: Why you [yes, you!] should participate in National Novel Writing Month, Version 1.2005 By sushimustwrite 1. Completing a novel (or for some, even starting a novel) is one more thing to cross off the life goals list.
2. Nanowrimo offers camaraderie with fellow novelists via the forums.
3. It's another excuse to sit in front of the computer (or notebook) and gulp mass quantities of caffeine.
4. Nanowrimo offers the realization that, contrary to popular belief, you are not the busiest person in the world, even with Nanowrimo.
5. If you've never written a paper in one night (or two, or three) before, you eventually will. Nanowrimo is good practice.
6. If you're still in school, you can procrastinate writing by doing homework. The opposite procrastination technique works equally well. If you're not in school, you can procrastinate in this way by doing something that you should actually be doing, such as laundry or taking out the trash.
7. You can buy Nanowrimo t-shirts to declare your insanity to the world.
8. If you break 50,000 words before 30 November and get it verified, you get a super-cool certificate and winner's icon.
9. Even if you don't finish, you can still brag by saying, "I'm writing a novel this month. What are you doing?"
10. Haven't you ever wanted to answer "How are you?" with a number? Now you can.
11. Most people [cough...teachers] say, "Write about this topic." With Nanowrimo, any imaginable topic can be your novel, even butt-kicking pirates from Jupiter. [Hey, there's an idea...]
12. It's a chance to let your inner critic loose for thirty days. Let a typo become a part of your novel. Invent swear words for your characters to use. Watch what comes out when you don't have an inner critic to stop you.
13. It costs only time, sanity, and social life.
14. How long does cyanide take to kill someone? What kind of knives did the Greeks use? Get the answers from fellow Wrimos.
15. The number one reason that people don't pass 50,000 words is because [surprise!] they don't begin. If you write just one measly word, you're already ahead.
16. Thousands of people around the world--different everything--participate. They share a love of writing...and their ideas with you.
17. Just because your character is stuck doesn't mean that you have to be. Use a deus ex machina or a snide reference to whatever you want. Kill your main character if you want to. Just get your novel out of that block!
18. Your participation will mock those authors who take a lot more time writing novels. Those novels are typically much better novels, but it really is possible to write a draft in a month.
19. Allow others around you to question your sanity [assuming they don't already question it, that is.]
20. You can become a hermit for thirty days...or at least while you're writing. This excuse will work only for a month at a time, though.
21. You can threaten someone with, "If you don't [annoying action], I'll write you into my novel and kill you there!"
22. Nanowrimo helps you to realize the value of sleep.
23. Writing a novel is an excuse not to go out with friends or to that annoying event that you just can't stand going to.
24. The adrenaline rush that comes along when you've just written 1500 words in an hour is wonderful. Nanowrimo should be a drug.
25. Nanowrimo gives you an opportunity to improve your typing or scribbling skills without those boring lessons.
26. Even though you're procrastinating on something, you're also learning the art of time management.
27. There's a story in your head that must come to life. If it doesn't, those characters will hate you forever.
28. After writing a book in a month, nothing will intimidate you.
29. It's fun!
30. It really is possible.
Are you convinced yet? Good. Go to
www.nanowrimo.org and sign up today. Actual novel-writing begins 1 November 2005, local time. Good luck!
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