58. Too tired ID #346742
Posted: 05-12-05 @ 1:05 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
too tired, little writing done. Lots of interesting Tarot readings though, playing around with a few things. THe few things are the ones that I am not sure are workable, unlike the earleir layouts, so I'm going to play with it for awhile first before posting it anywhere. It's based in the scene/goal/disaster/feelings/reactions/outcome or somesuch model, which means I lay out six cards very much in the shape of a pyramid.
Good night!
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57. Another Update ID #346551
Posted: 05-11-05 @ 12:45 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
(TLGM) Luk 3,828 / 50,000
(TLGM) Lee 5,211 / 50,000
(TLGM) Pahil 27,547 / 50,000
(TLGM) Rowan 1,077 / 50,000
(TLGM) Arcadia 1,038 / 50,000
(TLGM) Penn - 0 / 50,000
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56. Update ID #346378
Posted: 05-10-05 @ 12:49 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
(TLGM) Luk 3,300 / 50,000
(TLGM) Lee 5,171 / 50,000
(TLGM) Pahil 27,535 / 50,000
(TLGM) Rowan 515 / 50,000
(TLGM) Arcadia 950 / 50,000
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55. bump ID #346171
Posted: 05-09-05 @ 11:39 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
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54. Spam on a Stick ID #345947
Posted: 05-08-05 @ 1:36 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
I just received a piece of spam with the header "If you are still struggling with your tuition then read this" and read it as "If you are still struggling with your intuition then read this".
To me, that sounds like an excellent writing prompt: a struggle with intuition.
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53. Darn cell phone popup ads ID #345929
Posted: 05-08-05 @ 9:52 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
If these people actually did some market research they would realize that for some of us cell phones make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I never really go anywhere so why would I need one? *gromble*
I did no writing yesterday but I did a Tarot reading for part of a fanfic that I'm writing (a collaborative effort) for a Severus Snape-centric group on Yahoo. It's an adult group and a sticky situation so I'm introducing a new charqacter, Perva the Bondage Fairy. *grin* The Tarot readings have helped a lot with outlining and expanding on scenes which might otherwise have me stuck on some details in the process.
I think I will get some writing done later. I jsut spent a bit of extra time online because of the novelty of the weekend thing. Terror went to a friends to stay overnight (back in East Quogue, where we used to live) so guess who had lots of time to keep up with her flist on lj? I'm glad I did too. The post of one of the people on my flist had me in tears at one point. I have not known her for all that long but I could relate to the depression she's going through. I hope that what I said to her in my response to the post helps her, at least a bit. It bites when you think no one cares what happens to you.
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52. Tired ID #345770
Posted: 05-07-05 @ 4:08 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
No wriitng yet today (tired) but plan so soon. Coral just went to spend the night at her friend Maria's house back on the street where we lived for twelve after her father and I separated. Also, ehen I was jsut about asleep last night, guess who called late and woke me up? Her father.
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51. I started again ID #345524
Posted: 05-06-05 @ 9:51 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
I have caught up on al lthe current Tarot scene readings so I'm adapting them to paper right now. I have about four posted with the on my lj and not under lock and key, in case folks are curious:
I have several friends now that I have done both NaNoWriMo and April Fools with, plus there's Arwen (a/k/a Stephanie Lynch) that have all used the Tarot for a writing tool. For those who remember my realier journal entries (if anyone has been reading them), Arwen was the instructor for the Tarot for Writers workshop thing run through Earthly Charms back in March (18-31).
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50. Marketing Ain't Easy ID #345379
Posted: 05-05-05 @ 1:06 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
I made up my mind to submit a fantasy (horror, so I suppose "dark fantasy") story that I think I really have done all that I can with: but finding an apropriate market is not an easy task. It's an admixture of magick and vampire so it might not be al lthat simple to find it a good home.
Chaos Reigns Supreme Pizza.
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49. Shaun of the Dead ID #345235
Posted: 05-04-05 @ 7:17 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
Shaun is an ordinary guy. His best friend, an unemployed slacker whose saving grace is that he can make Shaun laugh, lives with Shaun and a mate in a house. Because this mate hangs with him everywhere, Shaun's girlfriend breaks up with him. Shaun's stepfather is just a bit of a creep from Shaun's persepctive; and Shaun is dissed by coworkers who are supposed to listen to him because he's the senior member in on that day. Could things get any worse?
Well, if you count the zombies roaming around in the back yard, then I suppose...
There are the obligatory Night of the Living Dead jokes, of course - but this movie is much funnier. The continuity of action also makes sense, each scene building on the events of an earlier one.
It's worth watching three times. THe first time for the straight comedy, even with the cringeworthy moments (it's so true to life in some of the smaller details and that is where the "cringeworthy" part comes in). The ending is not what I expected but it's funny nonetheless.
I just fiinshed watching it for the first time today. Tomorrow I pull out the notebook.
Third time is the charm.
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48. gone ID #345164
Posted: 05-04-05 @ 12:33 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
shopping *grin*
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47. Adventures in Fairyland ID #344921
Posted: 05-03-05 @ 9:49 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
Well, i ad-libbed my way through my turn on Adventures in Fairyland. I'd forgotten which shared story I had signed up for. *grin*
Elizabeth Anne Ensley
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46. Addendum ID #344706
Posted: 05-02-05 @ 8:24 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
Scene One
and Scene Two
are posted to my LiveJournal. The entires include the original writing, the Tarot reading (testing my layout) and then the revised text. The Tarot readings have added a rather unexpected twist, a bit of characterization, and a subplot angle that I would never have thought of if I was not using the Tarot for a revision aid. It's been lots of fun, but now poor Lee's really going to endure major torture, which isn't something I had put in the original version.
Personally? I think the story will be stronger for it - and it's giving me more to write about as well. I have a loaded gun in scene one that's going to go off in approximately scene ten. *evil laughter resonates*
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45. Weekend Update ID #344705
Posted: 05-02-05 @ 8:19 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
30 April 2005 Saturday
I just finished a sequence of thirteen straight Interaction layouts. My intuition told me to do the sequence. It turned up some very interesting results for my characters. I know I already wrote it, but I'm rewriting it because, much as the results kind of sort of - well, I found them somewhat disturbing and I have lived with these characters for over 20 years, but something also feels very right about the readings.
Lee and Hara were not only lovers, but he apparently was off on another assignment, maybe back to Hawke's School, when she learned she was pregnant. (She also later miscarried, and all this comes out in the first chapter and yes, her husband knows - some ver interesting readings all around, IMO). I'm taking a bit of a break before I start writing/rewriting all of this down. I decided that if I am stuck on a transition between the scenes then I will use the B/M/S draw for Lee to try and help him move from here to there. Hara was originally named Haramiko. This former priestess was named well before I ever saw my first Inuyasha episode. I didn't realize exactly how well the name fit until today LOL.
Editing using Tarot? Heck, this is more like building a subplot on top of the plot. I had thought that this was the first time that Lee and Hara met; apparently, I was wrong - and this adds to the complications for the story too.
01 May 2005 Sunday
As I just finished typing in before the computer balked and lost everything...
That transition between going into the wagon to get food and coming back out again was so pathetically short on detail and didn't even have Lee leaving the wagon that I did a full character interaction reading. All the cards came back reversed so that's how I wrote down their interpretations. Before and after shots are or will be posted. I do not plan to post the entire novel as I write it but rather these parts for which I did the layouts to show you how it worked for me. I thought it surprising myself, the way this story has altered over the past millenia decade in particular.
Why a decade? When folks tell you that you have too much of a story for one book, let alone one chapter; when you... Well, let's put it this way; the story's coming out now; slowly, but I think it's going to be a better one then when it was conceived back in 1983. Longer, too (five viewpoints, five parts, one book told from each of the different viewpoints and then edited together into one massive gargantua since the stories overlap. I do not want to confuse continuity for readers).
Revision by Tarot (not to mention writing): Who woulda thunk it (aside from folks who usually do in fact read Tarot and write books)?
I just finished writing the one transition that I did a reading for and now find that it's only half the action and I have to do another reading to ready the rest of it. ;=)
02, May 2005 Monday
[TLGM] Luk
2,729 / 50,000
[TLGM] Lee
5,103 / 50,000
[TLGM] Pahil
27,535 / 50,000
[TLGM] Arcadia
950 / 50,000
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44. writing ID #344571
Posted: 05-01-05 @ 1:14 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
April Fools is done
Evolution has begun.
I'm in both the D/G challenge thing over at http://www.evolution.com and in MayNoWriMo this month. Maybe I will actually get some mroe writing done.
The Tarot readings turned up some very interesting personal history for two of my characters. This actually adds a rather strong and insistent subplot...
And now I need more coffee...
Elizabeth Anne Ensley
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43. bump ID #344173
Posted: 04-29-05 @ 10:10 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
Revised Layout Sequence
I found the spread altering while I did it - not the layout, but the way that the cards wanted to be drawn. I changed the numbers on the sequence to represent what happened while I read the cards.
I started with the antagonist only because that's the initiator or aggressor in the scene. It may or may not be your viewpoint character in a given interaction.
I am using the readings right now to go over what has been previously written, the original opening for the book (that turned into plans for four or five books when I wasn't paying attention - just my luck * sigh * ). I had worked it as a stand-alone short story, but it was originally intended as the first chapter of the novel. It will still be in one of them (although since I do plan to edit the books together into one complete book when they are all done it might not be, considering the story now starts at an earlier point in time.
Arwen mentioned that she uses a writer's layout at least ten times before accepting it into her arsenal. I am doing the scene readings now (it takes a lot out of me so I end up taking frequent breaks; but I do want to get them all done to a specific point in what I have written. The reading for the opening scene did point out where it could be strengthened so in the middle of all this I'm letting it fester - err, stew for a bit until it's ready (and the initial readings are done) while I meditate of the sequence of events.
A .jpg of the layout appears at the site
Yes, I played with the art program last night. *laugh*
By the way - just a reminder - this is my life, such as it is, and not fiction. I write my fiction offline (mostly).
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42. Comment on yesterday's update ID #343944
Posted: 04-29-05 @ 10:09 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
The four items below is what I'm working on now. figured the best way to write this story is to write four (or five) different novels at the same time and then, after the whole things' done, edit them together into a coherent whole.
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41. Update ID #343810
Posted: 04-27-05 @ 1:42 pm EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
(TLGM) Luk____:__2,729 / 50,000
(TLGM) Pahil___: 27,535 / 50,000
(TLGM) Arcadia :___708 / 50,000
(TLGM) Lee____:___4109 / 50,000
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40. For any interested person who has a lj and a Tarot deck ID #342759
Posted: 04-22-05 @ 11:12 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
I had "attended" the Tarot for Writers lecture (mentioned earlier here), if you can call a basic email correspondence course attending, that is: well, it worked so well for me and I was having a problem moving past one particular scene that I'm scurrying off to write now and I came up with a spread that I posted on my lj
that some of you might find of interest. It is basically a ten card spread, five for each character, noe taking the position of the antagonist and the other, the protagonist (basic dynamics of character interaction). I have both the layout and the reading I did last night using it posted there. It not only helped me with that scene, but also with some of the characterization of my overall protagonist and VPC, and it also sent me to scrap paper and index cards to sketch my ideas for the design of the tokens for the various Aspects.
I'm surprised that it worked so well for me, but I thought I would share it in case anyone else uses the Tarot to help them with their writing.
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39. Reminder: Update your blog ID #342577
Posted: 04-28-05 @ 7:50 am EDT [Edit] [Delete] [Restrict: None]
Blog rhymes with Smaug. A Smaug blog? What would it read like?
"Oh, today I just torched some random villagers. Same old, same old. I did manage to lose a breast scale today but the diamonds should pretty well handle it. After all, who's that great at sharpshooting?"
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